Cs-Cart EU Intra community VAT number - updated

by Tudor Vasinca

This update will solve all problems regarding the users which are not inserting their VAT number with country code at the beginning durring checkout registration.

*Country selector added When the user is registering during Checkout.
Case 1: Invalid Number
Action : Display error message
            User will not proceed to step 2, unless he clicks again the button "Continue"
Case 2: Valid Vat Number
Action : Display Valid Vat number Notification
            Proceed to step 2 automatically

When a user wants to checkout as guest.
Case 1 : Invalid Number
Action : Display error message
            User will not proceed to step 2, unless he clicks again the button "Continue"
Case 2 : Valid Vat Number
Action : Display Valid Vat number Notification
            Proceed to step 2 automatically

All notifications are available to translate from admin/languages/
The language variables are the following:
