Updates and Compatibilities

by Tudor Vasinca

Intracommunity VAT Updates

- If store country is the same as customer country, the code is not verified anymore because companies from some countries can have a VALID code for their country but not VALID for intracommunity transactions.
In this case the company always pays VAT, so the vat check was useless.
- Compability with 3.0.1 Professional
- Compatibility with 3.0.2 Professional
- Compatibility with 3.0.1 Multivendor
- Compatibility with 3.0.2 Multivendor

- On 3.0.2 Multivendor the admin was not able to save changes in profiles. - Fixed.

Mobile Skin Updates

Added posibility to select the Android versions for which the mobile version should be displayed or not

Android 1x / 2x / 3x

Order Product Images Updates

Compatibility with 3.0.1 & 3.0.2 for Professional and Multivendor edition

Bugfix on 3.0.2 Multivendor - the image was not displayed in order summary